There are many ways to make money online, but one of the easiest ways is to make your own online video channel. With OnlineChannel.TV, you can create your own channel and start streaming live or you can create On Demand videos. It just takes five minutes to create your first channel, and as you begin to create your first online video channel, you may find that the process is a little difficult if you’ve never done anything like that before but not to worry because we have lots of video tutorials to help you become successful. When you are successful, we are successful so we will provide all of the tools and support you need to become successful.

The key to making your first video channel is to break down the process into manageable tasks, and to get each step out of the way. The first step is to sign up for a free trial account at OnlineChannel.TV and the best part is that you do not have to enter a credit card.

Follow the directions, and you’ll be up and running in no time. The next step is to start adding content. This process is also simple, and can be completed in just a few minutes. Simply click on “Media” on the left menu, then click on “Ad” which is next to “Channels”. You can upload from your desktop, YouTube, a URL or from DropBox. After you’ve uploaded your video, now you can simply click on the video and Add your title, description, tags, category, thumbnail and poster.

The last step is to go live on your first channel and by default your videos are set to public. You can set easily set it to private if you don’t want others to see. Now that you’ve completed your first video channel, you can begin to monetize it. The process of monetizing your channel is also simple and can be done in minutes. We will cover that on another blog.

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